telecom software solutions

Monetize Fiber Services Better and Improve ROI with Top Telecom Billing Software

Fiber internet connection has changed the way web services are utilized. With speeds in excess of 100 mbps, it is a revolutionary technology that is replacing the traditional copper wire connectivity. Subscribers are drawn towards this technology; however, not all telecom operators are able to monetize it in the best possible manner. There is a pressing need for next-gen telecom software solutions that come with backward compatibility.

The Need for Backward Compatibility

Fiber is a next-gen technology; however, it has to exist in a universe where copper wire and DSL connectivity is still a reality. Therefore, it needs to be backward compatible. Both the network technology and billing technology need to work with pre-existing infrastructure. So, it is vital that telcos have BSS and OSS software telecom along with relevant telecom billing software that work with older technologies.

Flexible Monetization is Key

Fiber offers a wide range of options for monetization. There are different segments of customers that prefer different type of connectivity solutions. For example, a person into gaming would prefer low-latency over higher speeds. Someone who is handling critical projects where there is no scope of speed loss or disconnection would prefer ultra-reliable connectivity solutions. Fiber-based internet connection needs to be monetized in attractive packages to attract customers. Versatility in monetization is essential as most service providers will be offering similar speeds. In order to differentiate one from another, telcos need to get creative with their monetization plans.

Scalability to Meet Rising Demand

Due to the competition in the telecom industry, quick monetization of services has become a necessary requirement. If an order is placed, you need to have the resources available to deliver the necessary service to the customers. It is vital that you have sound infrastructure that can fulfill customers’ requirements. At the same time, it is required that the billing support system can charge, rate and bill millions and millions of transactions without showing any sign of slowdown. A true real-time charging system is an essential requirement for scalability as it readily charges every service the moment it is used.

Future-Proof System

As the telecom technology keeps on evolving with time, it becomes important to invest in a future proof system like the one provided by eminent vendors such as OSS Billing. Small changes in the system can be made via APIs that bring in new functionalities into an existing system.

OSS Billing is a leading telecom software solutions provider with great expertise in billing and monetization.

telecom billing companies

Expand the Outreach of your MVNO with Best Telecom Billing Software

The current state of telecom industry is extremely competitive. There are a number of challenges in front of telcos, which they need to overcome quickly. One of the biggest challenges is telecom billing software solutions that are cost effective and high-grade. Monetization of upcoming advanced IoT and 5G services is no easy task. Apart from that, they need to be tracked, charged, rated, taxed, discounted, provisioned and delivered to the customers. The whole process can be painstaking, if your MVNO does not have above par telecommunications billing software.

Leverage Telecom Billing Services for Max Advantage

As MVNOs are somewhat lacking in the technical aspect, they need the support of a telecom billing specialist who can simplify their work. With intuitive telecom billing services and solutions, it is possible to:

  1. Create innovative service bundles for customers
  2. Provide self-care options to subscribers
  3. Leverage analytics for understanding customer buying patterns and preferences
  4. Enforcement of credit limits accurately
  5. Convergent billing for complete transparency between vendor and subscribers

Apart from that, you also get the power of APIs, which can help you source crucial services and manage partnerships without making any exceptional efforts. At a company like OSS Billing, you get all the best services for your MVNO along with complete reporting of every subscriber’s interaction with the telecom system.
